We missed the Autumn release, but the new and user-friendly version of RUIS is being worked on!
I’m just finishing writing a paper based on the 3DUI survey (see previous blog update), and after that I’ll get back to RUIS.
Kinect and PlayStation Move are already working with RUIS, and best of all it’s all Java based and works on Windows, Mac, and Linux!
You will be able to install RUIS just like any other Processing library. If you already can connect to Kinect using SimpleOpenNI, then you’ll have no problems using RUIS with Kinect.
I still have some bugs to fix and programming interface improvements to be made before the release.
Just wanted to let you know that RUIS is still coming and it will be awesome! 🙂
P.S. Virtual reality course will be organized again in Spring 2012 Aalto School of Science, this time with new RUIS and better toys!