Virtual Reality course starts!

UPDATE:  Lecture times have changed! The first lecture will still be on Wed 19.1. in Odeion at 14.15. After that the lectures will be given in lecture hall T4 (computer science building, address: Konemiehentie 2) on Wednesdays at 12.15, i.e two hours earlier than the original schedule.

Virtual Reality course organized by Department of Media Technology (Aalto University) starts next week with introduction lecture on Wednesday 19th of January 2011. RUIS (Processing) will be used as the main platform for the course, and advanced students can use any technology they choose, including Kinect.

The course is available for students of Media Technology and Taikki’s MediaLab. Programming skills are not necessary, because cross-disclipinary groups will be formed during the course: An ideal group has 3 people, with two people focusing on programming and technical implementation, and one person focusing on interaction design, visuals, audio, or content production. Students form their own groups, and the course assistants will make sure that each group has at least someone with average programming skills, mixing groups if necessary.

TKK students use Oodi system to enroll for the course, and MediaLab’s students enroll by sending their name and student number to roberto.pugliese (at)

Course is organized in English, see details from course homepage:

Check the assignments page for details on the project work. University
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